In the Bible, giving your life to Jesus and being baptized go hand in hand. It was the believer's first act of obedience to follow the example set by Christ when he was baptized by John in the river. People were baptized as soon as they gave their life to Christ. Baptism by immersion is a powerful symbol of the burial of our old selves and then rising up to walk as new creations with Christ. It is an outward demonstration of our faith. At lake tapps, we wait until our children are old enough to believe and understand the true meaning of baptism before we baptize them.    

If you’re ready to make Jesus Lord of your life and get baptized, please click here.  We’re ready when you’re ready!






Driver's Ed is our series of classes to help our church family become fully-formed disciples of Jesus. There are four classes in the series. MERGE is an introduction to what it means to honor God, provides an overview of Lake Tapps and extends an invitation to membership. CARPOOL is about following Jesus together in community. ENGAGE helps us to find a place to serve and DETOUR exposes us to the everyday opportunities we encounter to serve people.